The Regional Wellbeing Survey team produce a wide range of reports that draw on data collected in our surveys. This page provides links to the reports our team have produced. You can find out how other people and organisations have used our survey data here. All reports are publicly accessible, as are some of our journal papers. If you wish to access one of our journal papers that is not available to download for free, and are having difficulty doing so, please contact us as and we will assist you in accessing the article.
NSW farmers’ exposure to adverse events
Many New South Wales farmers have been exposed to one or more adverse events in recent years, including drought, bushfires, floods and storms. The impacts of adverse events on farmers’ livelihood can be significant. While the occurrence of an adverse event may be outside a farmer’s control, the impacts these events have for farmers will vary significantly depending on their ability to prepare for, respond to and recover from these events.
A priority in DPI’s 2022-2030 Stronger Primary Industries Strategy is to build response capacity amongst primary producers. This includes preparing for adverse events, enabling timely response, minimising the impacts of these events and building long-term resilience, delivering rapid assistance and supporting sustained recovery (NSW DPI 2022).
To inform the design and delivery of relevant programs, the University of Canberra was engaged by NSW DPI to examine the extent to which NSW farmers have been impacted by different adverse events in recent years, their experiences of these events, how they are recovering and the extent to which they are preparing for future events.
The report can be accessed under Support Services and Tools at Resources and Tools | NSW DroughtHub
Or directly at:
Caring for others and yourself - results from the 2024 Carer Wellbeing Survey
The WellRes team have worked with Carers Australia and Department of Social Services to produce another year of data tracking the wellbeing of Australian unpaid carers. The 2024 Carer Wellbeing Survey highlights the challenges associated with the rising cost of living for carers.
The full results from the 2024 Carer Wellbeing Survey can be found here:
National Social and Economic Survey of Recreational Fishers
This study examined the social and economic contribution of recreational fishing using multiple methods (including direct and flow-on economic benefits, and market and non-market benefits), identified which approaches to recruiting survey participants and completing surveys produce the most representative and robust results, and recommends the most appropriate and cost effective survey method to use to track changes in social and economic aspects of recreational fishing in Australia over time.
The results from the National Social and Economic Survey of Recreational Fishers can be found here:
Caring for others and yourself - results from the 2023 Carer Wellbeing Survey
The Regional Wellbeing Survey team have worked with Carers Australia and Department of Social Services to produce another year of data tracking the wellbeing of Australian unpaid carers. The 2023 Carer Wellbeing Survey highlights the challenges associated with the rising cost of living for carers.
The full results from the 2023 Carer Wellbeing Survey can be found here:
Health and safety in Victoria’s agricultural workforce, 2021
An analysis of work health and safety (WHS) risks amongst the Victorian agricultural workforce in 2020 found that agricultural workers were much more likely than those working in other industries to experience WHS risks. This report builds on this analysis by identifying how the types of WHS risk experienced by Victoria’s agricultural workforce changed between 2020 and 2021. It then examines whether WHS risk increases when those working on farms experiencing any of a range of farming challenges, from drought to flood to labour shortage and supply chain issues, and the role of factors such as farm planning, personal resilience, help seeking and access to personal support in moderating WHS risk.
The results from the project can be found here:
Health and safety in Victoria’s agricultural workforce 2021 – full report
Caring for others and yourself - results from the 2022 Carer Wellbeing Survey
The Regional Wellbeing Survey team have worked with Carers Australia to produce another year of data tracking the wellbeing of Australian unpaid carers. The 2022 Carer Wellbeing Survey highlights the impacts COVID-19 has had for carers, with many experiencing reduced access to support (informal and formal), an increase in caregiving responsibilities, and an increase in isolation due to the effects of the pandemic. While carers continue to be more likely to report poorer health and wellbeing and higher financial stress compared to the average Australian, many carers feel positive about how their ability to provide high quality care is changing over time, and more feel that access to support is improving than feel it is declining.
The full results from the 2022 Carer Wellbeing Survey can be found here:
Living well in the ACT region: The changing wellbeing of Canberrans during 2020 and 2021
Since 2019, the wellbeing of Canberrans has been challenged by multiple events, including bushfire, pandemic and severe storms. This report examines how the wellbeing of Canberrans changed between 2019 and 2021, using data from the University of Canberra’s Living Well in the ACT Region survey. Survey data are used to examine a number of wellbeing indicators from the ACT Wellbeing Framework, including personal wellbeing, access and connectivity, nature connection, health, identity and belonging, living standards, safety, social connection and time use.
Carer Wellbeing Survey
The Regional Wellbeing Survey team are proud to be working with Carers Australia to track the wellbeing of carers. The 2021 Carer Wellbeing Survey found that unpaid carers are lonelier, in poorer physical and mental health, and are less likely to be employed compared to the average Australian.
The results from the 2021 Carer Wellbeing Survey can be found here:
Mental Health Commission: Community Resilience, Wellbeing and Recovery Project Resources
University of Canberra undertook research to better understand what local factors (community assets) contribute to community resilience, recovery and wellbeing, and how to best leverage and support community assets to take advantage of their role in community recovery.
The results can be found here:
Resilience of NSW farmers
This report examines the resilience of farmers in New South Wales (NSW) in 2020, and compares this resilience to earlier findings on farmer resilience in 2015. The report was commissioned by the NSW Department of Primary Industries Rural Resilience Program.
The report can be access here:
Resilience of NSW farmers_26May2021
Health and safety in Victoria’s agricultural workforce
This report investigates the types of workplace risks the agricultural workforce (farmers and farm workers) experienced in the last 12 months in Victoria, and more broadly in Australia. It then examines which farmers are at higher risk of specific types of poor WHS conditions or events, and factors associated with reduced risk of poor WHS outcomes.
The report can be found here:
Living well in the ACT region: initial insights into wellbeing of ACT residents in 2019-20
The first report from the Living well in the ACT region survey tested different measures of quality of life, and examined how bushfires, hailstorm and COVID-19 changed the wellbeing of ACT residents between late 2019 and May 2020. You can access our reports here:
Thriving, Surviving or Declining Communities: socio-economic change in Murray-Darling Basin communities
The Regional Wellbeing Survey team were commissioned to draw on a range of sources to examine the extent to which different communities in the Murray-Darling Basin have been thriving, surviving or declining. The report was commissioned by the Panel for the Independent Assessment of Social and Economic Conditions in the Murray-Darling Basin. CLICK TO VIEW
Understanding Participation In Water Trading By Irrigators In The Murray-Darling Basin
As part of the Murray-Darling Basin water markets inquiry, the Australian Competition and Consumer Commission commissioned the Regional Wellbeing Survey team to produce a report examining how irrigators participate in and experience water trade markets in the Murray-Darling Basin.
Exploring The ‘Issue-Attention Cycle’: does length of time since wildfire predict social acceptability of prescribed burning? (journal paper published in Environmental Management)
In this paper, lead author Mel Mylek examines whether the level of attention being given to bushfires at a given point in time predicts the extent to which members of the public support the use of prescribed burning.
Forest Industry Workforce — socio-economic wellbeing and community contributions
This report examines the wellbeing of workers employed in the forest industry in Australia, and contributions made by the industry’s workforce to the communities they live in.
Wellbeing, Resilience and Adaptive Capacity — A review of current knowledge of social conditions in the Murray-Darling Basin
The Regional Wellbeing Survey team were commissioned to draw on a range of sources to examine the extent to which different communities in the Murray-Darling Basin have been thriving, surviving or declining. The report was commissioned by the Panel for the Independent Assessment of Social and Economic Conditions in the Murray-Darling Basin. CLICK TO VIEW
Farm Exit, Wellbeing and Autonomy: a quantitative analysis of exited farmers in Australia (journal paper published in Rural Society)
In this paper, lead author Dominic Peel and co-authors examine the wellbeing of people who have left farming, finding out whether their wellbeing is higher or lower than those who remain in farming. The paper specifically examines the role of ‘autonomy’ – broadly, having the ability to control what happens to you in life – in the wellbeing of those who have left farming.
Drought and Distress In Southeastern Australia (journal paper published in EcoHealth)
In this journal paper, lead author Ivan Hanigan and co-authors examine which rural Australians experienced greater psychological distress associated with drought.
Engaging With The National Carp Control Plan: summary of a stakeholder workshop
This report examines views of a range of stakeholders living and working in regions affected by invasion of European carp about proposed carp control methods.
Reports of the ‘Carp control: understanding community and stakeholder attitudes and assessing social effects’ project
- Commercial carp fishers
- Freshwater recreational fishing sector
- Tourism sector
- Native fish breeders and growers
- Koi hobbyists and businesses
These reports examine the potential socio-economic impacts on different groups of using a carp virus to reduce numbers of European carp in inland and estuary areas of Australia. The reports draw both on data from the Regional Wellbeing Survey and from other sources.
NSW Forest Monitoring Project: stakeholder and public views about forest monitoring
This project examines views of the public and stakeholders about investing in a forest monitoring program. It does not draw directly on Regional Wellbeing Survey data, but does examine how important stakeholders find monitoring of topics related to how forests affect wellbeing and quality of life.
Supporting Drought Affected Farmers and Communities
This report examines key findings from the 2018 Regional Wellbeing Survey about how to support drought-affected farmers and communities.
Graziers With Better Profitability, Biodiversity And Wellbeing
This report, led by Sue Ogilvy, examined whether farmers engaging in best practice approaches to regenerative farming have better than average profitability, biodiversity and wellbeing. The Regional Wellbeing Survey team contributed the wellbeing analysis, drawing on data from the survey.
Environmental Conflict: Engaging With Scientific Information And Community Activism (Book Chapter In Land Use In Australia: Past, Present And Future)
This book chapter draws on data from the Regional Wellbeing Survey and other sources to examine the challenges of engaging constructively in discussion and debate about important environmental management issues, and the role of scientific data in doing so.
Quantifying an Integral Ecology Framework: A case study of the Riverina, Australia (journal paper published in Earth’s Future)
In this journal paper, lead author Sarah Wheeler and co-authors examine the use of integral ecology, a philosophical framework seeking to address community, economic, social and environmental sustainability simultaneously.
Mechanical Fuel Load Reduction Trials — social attitudes
This report, commissioned by the Australian Government, examines community and stakeholder views about the potential use of mechanical fuel load reduction to reduce bushfire risk. Multiple bushfire inquiries have recommended investigated of increased use of mechanical fuel load reduction, and this study examined whether and under what circumstances this would be considered acceptable. Data from the Regional Wellbeing Survey are used to examine community views.
Getting The National Carp Control Plan Right: Ensuring the plan addresses community and stakeholder needs, interests and concerns
This report uses data from the Regional Wellbeing Survey and discussions with stakeholders to identify key social and economic considerations important to incorporate as part of the development of the National Carp Control Plan.
Socio-Economic Impacts Of The Forest Industry In Australia — multiple reports
These reports examine the social and economic impacts of the forest industry in the multiple regions of Australia in which it operates. The reports draw on data from both the Regional Wellbeing Survey and other reports.
Wellbeing Indicators Across The Life Cycle
This report, commissioned by the Sax Institute, reviewed indicators of wellbeing that are relevant to different stages of people’s lives, from birth to death. It reviewed the extent to which commonly proposed wellbeing indicators meet criteria for useability based on their frequency of use in reputable frameworks, the evidence that they measure something important to wellbeing, and availability of data.
Growing Resilience To Drought: Natural Resource Management As A Resilience Intervention — report for NRM regions
This report examines whether investing in natural resource management activities can confer resilience to drought for farmers, and under what circumstances.
Regenerative Farming: Healthy Land, Healthy Profits, Healthy People — 6th Rural and Remote Health Scientific Symposium
This presentation examines whether farmers who use regenerative farming practices have better wellbeing compared to others.
Water Reform: Socio-Economic Effects Of Investment In Water Infrastructure
This report, commissioned by the Department of Agriculture and Water Resources, examines how irrigators experienced specific aspects of key water reforms forming part of the Murray-Darling Basin Plan.
Socio-Economic Effects Of Commonwealth Water Recovery In The Murray-Darling Basin: Insights from the Regional Wellbeing Survey (2013-2016)
This report, summarises findings of three reports commissioned by the Department of Agriculture and Water Resources between 2013 and 2015 that examined how irrigators experienced specific aspects of key water reforms forming part of the Murray-Darling Basin Plan.
Assessing And Managing The Social Effects Of Water Reform In Agricultural Areas (book chapter)
This chapter examines how the social effects of water reform in agricultural areas can be assessed, using examples from the Regional Wellbeing Survey.
Carers In Regional Australia: the 2016 Regional Wellbeing Survey report
Carers do highly important work that often goes unrecognised, and very little is known about the experience of being a carer located in rural and regional parts of Australia. This report uses data from the Regional Wellbeing Survey to better understand the quality of life of carers across Australia.
Riverina Local Land Services Natural Resource Management Activities: evaluation of socio-economic benefits and costs
This report examines whether farmers who participate in natural resource management activities report achieving a better quality of life as a result, and under what circumstances.
NSW Rural Women’s Challenges And Ideas For Action
- NSW rural women’s challenges and ideas for action – snapshot
- NSW rural women’s challenges and ideas for action – full report
In this project, the Regional Wellbeing Survey team worked with the NSW Rural Women’s Network to develop a picture of key challenges experienced by NSW rural women and ideas for action.
Water Reform: Assessing effects of investment in water infrastructure and water entitlement purchase
This report, commissioned by the Department of Agriculture and Water Resources, examines how irrigators experienced specific aspects of key water reforms forming part of the Murray-Darling Basin Plan.
Farm Exit Intention And Wellbeing: a study of Australian farmers (Journal of Rural Studies)
In this journal paper, Dominic Peel and co-authors examine whether planning to leave farming in the future is associated with lower wellbeing, and find that farmers who are thinking about leaving farming do often have poorer than typical wellbeing in the years immediately prior to exiting farming.
Wellbeing, Resilience And Liveability In Rural And Regional Australia
- Wellbeing, resilience and liveability in rural and regional Australia: the 2015 Regional Wellbeing Survey – part 1 (PDF, 9081.76 KB)
- Wellbeing, resilience and liveability in rural and regional Australia: the 2015 Regional Wellbeing Survey – part 2 (PDF, 10669.94 KB)
This report summarises the key findings of the 2015 Regional Wellbeing Survey, covering all our key topics from the wellbeing of individuals and communities, through to social connection, financial wellbeing, access to services and infrastructure, and views about leadership and governance.
Farming Challenges & Farmer Wellbeing: the 2015 Regional Wellbeing Survey - Farmer Report 1
This report summarises key challenges farmers reported experiencing in the 2015 Regional Wellbeing Survey.
Wellbeing, Community Connections And Resilience Of Dairy Farmers
This report updates and expands on our 2014 report examining the wellbeing of dairy farmers in Australia, examining more about community connections and resilience of this group.
Understanding The Resilience Of NSW Farmers
- Understanding the resilience of NSW farmers – key findings (PPTX, 1953.6 KB)
- Understanding the resilience of NSW farmers: the 2014 Regional Wellbeing Survey (PDF, 2693.5 KB)
In 2015, the NSW Rural Resilience Program commissioned us to develop a method for measuring the resilience of farmers across NSW that could provide a basis for both longer-term monitoring, and shorter-term identification of specific issues. The report and powerpoint files provide key findings from the project.
Socio-Economic Outcomes Of Investment In On-Farm And Off-Farm Water Infrastructure Improvement: Regional Wellbeing Survey analysis
This report, commissioned by the Department of Agriculture and Water Resources, examines how irrigators experienced specific aspects of water reforms forming part of the Murray-Darling Basin Plan.
Agriculture in the Riverina: Value, importance and impediments to increased competitiveness
This report, commissioned by the Rural Industries Research and Development Corporation, examined the value and importance of agriculture in the Riverina region of NSW. It draws on a number of data sources, of which the Regional Wellbeing Survey was one.
Perceived Profitability And Well-Being In Australian Dryland Farmers And Irrigators (Australian Journal of Rural Health)
In this journal paper, Dominic Peel and co-authors examine the connection between how a farmer feels their farm is performing financially, and the wellbeing of the farmer.
People and Communities: the 2014 Regional Wellbeing Survey
This report summarises the key findings of the 2014 Regional Wellbeing Survey, and covers topics ranging from how socially connected people find their communities, to experience of financial stress, climatic variability, governance and leadership, and access to services and infrastructure.
Farmers and Agriculture: the 2014 Regional Wellbeing Survey
This report explores the wellbeing of farmers across Australia, and seeks to better understand how changes and challenges on the farm affect the wellbeing of farmers.
Dairy Farmer Wellbeing: the 2014 Regional Wellbeing Survey
This report examines the wellbeing of dairy farmers in Australia, testing how well we can examine the wellbeing of people employed in specific industries as part of our work.
People and Place in Australia: the 2013 Regional Wellbeing Survey Summary Report
This report provides the results from our first ever Regional Wellbeing Survey, conducted in 2013. If you want to download higher resolution files, you can download the report in four parts below:
- Front cover to page 35 (PDF, 3907.54 KB)
- Page 36 to page 90 (PDF, 5647.74 KB)
- Page 91 to page 143 (PDF, 6529.03 KB)
- Page 144 to page 198 and Back cover (PDF, 5708.48 KB)